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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

West Hill School

Frequently asked questions 

How can I get uniform sorted?

Please see our uniform page for further information. 

I have questions I need to be answered

Email in and a member of the team will come back to you. Email addresses can be found on our Contact page.

When does my child begin school?

For children that are pre-statutory school age (reception) the Autumn Term consists of a staggered start. Children will be allocated visits to school e.g. part days / every other day etc. until all children have experienced the setting with fewer children around. 

When can I expect my child will start full time?

Reception children – every child will respond to starting school differently. Once we have met all children in a staggered and phased way (usually 2-3 weeks) we hope that the vast majority are in full time approximately 2 ½ weeks into term. For some children this process may take longer and the Head of Early Years will continue to liaise and talk to you about what is appropriate.

For children in other year groups – where children are joining us and they have been in another school previously then they will start the school year in a full time capacity from their first day. 

I have got a question and I don’t know who to contact?

Email and a member of the team will be in contact with you. 

What time does the school day start and end?

School – 9.15am – 3.15pm

School lunches

Reception, Year 1, Year 2 – Currently the government funds and provides a Universal Infant Free School Meal for children in these year groups. The school catering provision can meet all dietary requirements (although there are limitations for choice). You may choose not to accept this meal and your child can be provided with a packed lunch. Occasionally, your child’s teacher may liaise with you to identify if your child is not eating the school meal and suggest a packed lunch may be more appropriate. Some parents opt for school meals but also send in a supplementary packed lunch, if they are worried about their child not eating their meal.  These are all things that can be discussed and arranged with your child’s teacher. 

For children in other year groups – School meals are optional for these year groups, although we do encourage children to have a school lunch. For some children that are eligible for Pupil Premium then meals may be available under the Free School Meals plan. 

I’m worried my child will not wear the uniform

There are many children that have challenges around clothing and we endeavour to work with families to overcome this in a way that meets the child’s needs as well as working towards uniform requirements. 

Transport – what happens with that?

Some children, from Reception upwards, are entitled to allocated home to school transport via the Local Authority. There are some factors around this and it is not a guarantee for all. Other options may include parents providing the transport and being reimbursed for transport costs. Please access the Surrey Transport policy here for further details. Transport is something that is managed directly between parents and the Local Authority.  Contact details are: or 0300 200 1004 (option 2).

 If my child is entitled to transport will they have a Passenger Assistant (escort)?

This is not an allocated resource unless there is notification on the child’s EHCP. See entitlement in the transport policy.

Does the school run a before school club?

Currently we do not run this facility as children are transported from across the county rather than only serving children locally. This is not something that is routinely asked for but we do keep this under review to meet the needs of the school community.

Does the school run after school clubs?

As many children live across the county collecting a child after hours can be difficult (transport times cannot be changed). We do try to offer an outdoor experience in the Summer Term but this is dependent on funding and interest or take-up from families.  If you are still interested in finding out about clubs, we will work with you to signpost to clubs in your local area.