Children who attend West Hill School will have an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP).Most pupils will be admitted via a Surrey County Council admissions process, where suitability for specialist learning and additional needs (LAN) provision will be assessed.
West Hill school is designed to meet the needs of pupils working significantly below peers of a similar age. In addition to learning difficulties, they will have additional barriers to learning, such as autism, medical issues or speech, language and communication needs.
Finding out about West Hill
Please click on the image above to create a personalised, virtual experience of the school along with necessary information for next steps. This is the first step before seeing the school in person.
We believe this will help you in finding out whether West Hill may be able to meet the needs of your child.
Where families have been offered a confirmed place for their child, we will prioritise an individual tour.
Please contact if you have an urgent enquiry.
Contact details for Surrey County Council
Surrey County Council’s SEND information is here.
Casual admissions at other times of the year are considered following requests from the Area Placement Panels, via SEND Caseworker.
Here are contact numbers for SEN Admin. This website is also a useful resource, as are the SEND Surrey Local Offer pages.
NE Surrey 01737 737940
SE Surrey 01737 737990
NW Surrey 01483 518110
SW Surrey 01483 518227